If you would like to learn more about our services or wish to arrange an appointment with out Brighton Office, either in person or online, please contact us using the details below or complete the contact form.

Thank you for your enquiry. One of our team will be in touch within one working day. If your enquiry is more urgent, please call the office on 01243 769001. Our opening hours are 9.00am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Thank you.

Family law services
in Brighton & Hove

  • Divorce and Separation
    We help people navigate all aspects of divorce and separation, including divorce paperwork, child arrangements and financial aspects. We offer a fixed fee divorce service.
  • Financial Issues
    We assist clients in relation to financial issues arising upon divorce and separation, including capital division, maintenance and pensions. We are experts in handling complex and high net worth cases.
  • Children
    We help parents find solutions in the best interests of their children, taking on board their children’s wishes and feelings where appropriate.
  • Modern Family Structures
    Modern family structures are changing. We have the expertise to assist in creating your family or resolving disputes that may arise, whatever the shape or size of your family.
  • Surrogacy, Donor Conception and Fertility Law
    We are specialists in surrogacy, donor conception and fertility law. We guide and advise clients through the surrogacy process for both domestic and international surrogacy.
  • Cohabitation Disputes and Agreements
    We are experts in handling disputes arising from cohabitation, relating to property and to ongoing financial support for children. We also help clients by advising on “Living Together” Agreements.
  • Domestic Abuse, Injunctions and Emergency Remedies
    We can assist you if there is or has been domestic abuse in your relationship and we can seek appropriate orders from the court in such circumstances to protect you and your children.
  • Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
    We frequently advise in relation to the preparation of pre-nuptial (pre-marriage), post-nuptial (post marriage) and pre-civil partnership agreements.

Our Brighton Team

Our specialist team of family law solicitors and mediators are based across our three offices, in Brighton, Chilgrove (near Chichester) and Farnham. Together we provide expert advice and support in all aspects of family law including separation and divorce, children and financial matters, modern family structures, surrogacy, donor conception and fertility law, cohabitation disputes and agreements, domestic abuse,  injunctions and emergency remedies, as well as pre and post nuptial agreements. Our Brighton team include:  

Get in touch

We are here to help.

We offer meetings in our offices or online to suit you. You can get in touch in a number of ways: call our friendly team on 01243 769001, message us through our contact us page, or get started online, sharing some initial details on your matter via our secure online form. We look forward to hearing from you.

How to find us

Edward Cooke Family Law
The Dock Hub
Wilbury Villas
East Sussex BN3 6AH



Our Brighton office is situated within The Dock Hub which is centrally located in a residential area in Hove, minutes from the shopping district and a stone's throw from the seafront.  We are just a ten-minute walk from Hove Station and a twenty-minute walk from Brighton Station.

There is plenty of on-street pay and display parking available around the Dock Hub that allow drivers to pay for parking with debit/credit cards or via the PayByPhone mobile parking app.

Our other offices

Chilgrove | Head Office

Edward Cooke Family Law
7, Chilgrove Business Centre
West Sussex PO18 9HU

01243 769001




Edward Cooke Family Law
Cheyenne House
West Street
Surrey GU9 7EQ

01252 239012



Chichester | By Appointment

Edward Cooke Family Law
St. John’s House
St. John’s Street
West Sussex PO19 1UU

01243 769024



Petersfield | By Appointment

Edward Cooke Family Law
Antrobus House
18 College Street
Hampshire GU31 4AD

01730 870142

